Find out—in less than an hour—how to make your book a bestseller!

Many authors have the best of intentions. "This is going to be the year I publish my book," they say.

And then the year ends.

The reason that happens is that those authors don't know what to do when they're finished writing.

Imagine how much more motivated you'd be to write and launch your book if you knew that book would be a bestseller. Imagine if you had a New York Times bestselling author walking you through the exact steps she takes to launch her $100,000 clients' books to bestsellerdom.

That's me! I'm Anna David and I'm a NYT bestselling author of eight books. I've also published dozens of #1 bestselling books for my clients at Legacy Launch Pad.

And with my free Launch Your Book masterclass, you'll learn, in less than an hour, what it takes to make your book an Amazon.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, a first-time author, a multi-published author or just looking for a way to make your mark on the world, this free publishing workshop will reveal the benefits a bestselling book can have on your brand or business, how to get your book there and so much more!

Sign up to learn from a NY Times bestselling author (in less than an hour) how to launch a #1 bestselling book...